K- Fleetline and Fleetmaster. BORE: STROKE: HP RATE: M5: 1941-48: 52,541 : 1M-001: 3" 4" 21.6: M15: 1941-45: 5,823 : 2M-001: 3" 4" 21.6: M15A: . Location 201 Chapin Street South Bend, IN 46601 (574) 235-9714 (888) 391-5600 . A Studebaker Reference Guide. Technical - help decode my Studebaker truck | The H.A.M.B. Classic Sales. We charge a $50.00 doc fee for instate and $100.00 doc fee for out of state sales on top of the selling price. Cab numbers are on plate on firewall - no relation to serial numbers! Contact Us. Vehicle Identification Number: Search the VIN decoders to find the car's title, DMV record, damage history, theft, totaled or accident damaged insurance claims, recalls and lemon status. . Commander Land Cruiser (6 cyl., 226.2 cu.in., 100 h.p. 1940 Studebaker Commander | Dragers Classic Cars and engine from 1904 to even AvantiII models of the 1980's. This I think was an SDC computerized project to decode all Studebaker production . Engine Number Location: 6 cyl - At the top left side front corner of the cylinder block. Email - dragers@mac.com. Studebaker Reference Guide - E Series Trucks - Black Sunlight It originally came with a 246 cu in Commander 6. V-312701 : 6H-President. V8 - Top side front of cylinder block. Studebaker Reference Guide - 1955 - Black Sunlight Production orders are now available for 1936 - 1966 Studebaker cars and M-Series and newer trucks. 1936 - 1937 includes the President line only and Canadian Production is only available from 1960 - 1966. On the 1939 and 1940 Studebaker Champions, is there anywhere else on the car or chassis that the serial number is besides the plate that is on the left side of the cha. 1951-53. own. M5 production began in November 1940, while K-series trucks were still in full-scale production. This alphanumeric code differs from model to model and is assigned by manufacturer. 8907.indicates the sequencial order in which this M16 came off the assembly line since the first one in 1941. Vehicle Identification Number: Studebaker 1946-1966 Ser. The engine number, if original may assist in narrowing it down to a specific period in time. Champ 6 engine, 80 hp: Studebaker. Model 2RC2 Cab#209951 Trim T-6041 Paint P-2401 Your truck is a 1953 model 2R6 half-ton with a 112" wheel base. Location: On plate on left front door post. 1645 Walton Dr. Burlington, WA 98233. It has to match the serial number as issued by Studebaker at the factory. PDF Studebaker V-8 Engine Identification - Studebaker Drivers Club At the time of your Studebaker's production the term VIN number was not yet in use and your car did not have a "modern" type VIN number that included production information like that used on more modern cars. Qts. Vehicle history and comps for 1950 Studebaker Champion VIN: 646532 - including sale prices, photos, and more. I have posted this question on the Studebaker fourm but there is not nearly the people that look at it as there is on this fourm. Studebaker 1949 - Classic Car Catalogue MODEL: YEAR BUILT: SOUTH BEND: LOS ANGELES: CANADA: STARTING ENG. The Antique Studebaker Club (Deluxe cabs weren't available on 2R trucks anyway.) Studebaker 1946-1966 Production was probably a little less then 42,500. New Champion and Commander sedans, Coups, convertibles - a special extra-long-wheelbase new Land Cruiser - New decorator-fabric upholsteries . M15, and M15A trucks had 170 cu. Production Information: n/a. Serial Number Plate Location: On seat riser, left side. Cooling Cap. Car and Engine Identification-Help Please - Studebaker, Erskine Studebaker Avanti, Avanti II, and Later Models Registries A Studebaker Reference Guide 1955 Truck E Series. 17A Commander. Studebaker Serial Numbers - General Discussion - Antique Automobile Cab serial number and not cab number indicates what the order in which your truck was made on the assembly line. MODEL . 1969 . Appointment Request; Studebaker Truck Fenders . P-2401 translates into Harbor Green with Cherokee Red wheels and no contrasting stripe on the wheels. Production Information: . The serial number will not tell you anything unless you buy a build sheet from the Studebaker museum that will tell you when and how it was built and equipped. While today's VINs can provide details on what a vehicle is and how it is equipped, your serial number does not. 2733- Started at 1001 up and indicates the car number of this type vehicle off this plants assembly line. Free advanced pre-check for 1953 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER 8349230 from our vast database. Production Order 1936-1959 **PROCESSING TAKES 4-6 WEEKS FROM DATE OF ORDER Starting Motor Serial Number: 63S - Lark. Modern vehicle identification numbers (or VIN) came into existence after Studebaker ceased the production of automobiles. Vehicle History Vehicle History Reports for Classic Cars; Museums . form. 2R17B. Today's long VIN numbers began appearing in the 1980s; 1963-1964 Studebaker Avanti serial numbers are in the format "63R 1004." Cars with an additional serial number in the format "EX-2947" were prototypes originally built for the Studebaker Engineering Department and later assigned a regular production serial number. Starting Motor Serial Number: 16G6-Champion. The State of Washington says we can charge up to $150.00 doc fee that is negotiable. Decode the Avanti Motors VIN - Detailed Vehicle History . M truck production numbers - STUDEGARAGE.COM1962-63 Studebaker Vehicle Identification Numbers (vin) 4368901 & 4839001. 1R prefix is a Champion (170 ci) engine, 3R is a 226 ci Commander engine, and a 6R is a 246 ci Commander engine. Studebaker 2R truck serial numbers - STUDEGARAGE.COM . Serial numbers are shown on the plate below the drivers seat, left side : Serial number also on frame near left front wheel. Studebaker Truck Fenders $435 - $500 . Customer Tools; RPM/Tire/MPH/Gear Ratio Calculator . 1950. Production orders are also available for the 1956 - 1958 Packard (no numbers above 5682 for the . the 1949 buy word for thrift that lasts and style that thrills! Serial number decode - STUDEBAKER TRUCK TALK Information provided by Skip Lackie from Studebaker service letters: Serial numbers are shown on the plate below the drivers seat, left side: First production date: Spring 1948 (1949 models) YEAR: MODEL: Starting serial number: Ending serial number: Production: Comments: 1949: 2R5: R5-001: 1/2 ton, 112"wheelbase: 2R10: R10-001: 3/4 ton, 112 . STUDEBAKER VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER : 1960-61 - 1964. 1138001 : 16G8-Commander. Table of Contents | Chapter 5 - Studebaker Cars . Actual market value for a specific vehicle will depend on various elements, including the condition of the vehicle. CMB. Studebaker Avanti Build Sheet Samples G-468101 & G-851801. P-101: Location: 6 and straight 8 - Upper left side of cylinder block. 05-25-2006, 07:36 AM The "VIN" number (actually the "Serial number" in the case of a Studebaker) should be on a small metal plate, just below the lower end of the seat - on the driver's side. 1950 Studebaker Champion VIN: 646532 - CLASSIC.COM Studebaker V8 engine: The Studebaker V8 was developed in-house in 1949-50 by the Studebaker engineering department under the direction of Stanwood W. Sparrow. Your serial number falls into the bracket assigned to the 1946 model year- M16-5201 to M16-19457. Check the plate on the Driver' side door post. NO. This means your truck was the 36,680th 1/2 ton truck built that year of approximately 42,500 produced. Build Sheets for the 1963-1964 Studebaker Avanti - Build Sheets are one common form of documentation used as proof of a vehicle's initial production status. There should be a stamped number on a machined pad on the drivers side of the block, top front corner, just below the head. Location: On plate on left front door lock post. The first serial number for the new 1949 line for the 1/2 ton 2R5's is R5-001 and the last serial number assigned for 1949 was R5-42500. M - series trucks and the us6 Series . Andrew: 206-459-3403. To decode your serial number: R5-36680 ID tags - STUDEBAKER TRUCK TALK - tapatalk.comStudebaker models - Classic Car Database, Specifications, Dealers The first M16 was serial number M16-001 and the last one built in 1948 was serial number M16-61405. V8 - Top side front of cylinder block. V-1001 : 63V - Lark. P-1001: Location: 6 and straight 8 - Upper left side of cylinder block. . To Contact The Antique Studebaker Review Editor and the ASC Webmaster Click on above image Starting Motor Serial Number: The car's serial number may look like 5 FK-A-2723. Starting Serial Number: 9G Champion. VIN Codes Decodes engine codes used in Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN's) for cars starting around 1953. The serial number will look like FA-1001 to FA-825234. VT-2,301 1954 3R-28 and 3R-38 trucks 232 2E-101 1955 E series truck 224 2E-7,001 1956 2E series truck 224 3E-101 1955 E series truck 259 . The serial number plate located on the drivers side frame will only tell you the model and production year. 1948to 1959 1/2ton . ; wb: 123 in.) Vin Decode - Studebaker Drivers Club Forum Do as little as possible to the car. Since I make a full time living buying and selling Studebakers, I'll give you my short and sweet advice on making money on a barn car. Qts. 1962: First & Second Digits: . This will cause problems when doing the safety and the mechanic puts the serial number on the inspection paperwork which maybe isn't the same. Some, but not all, of the information will be typed with a 1960s period typewriter, though some items may be stamped . 1946 Studebaker Champion Skyway Series 5G Coupe 1946 Studebaker Champion Skyway Series 5G Coupe Sample Decodings of Classic Car Serial Numbers The original build sheet is a 5 in. 8 cyl - On top, front end of cylinder block next to oil filler tube. Studebaker Reference Guide - 1950. VIN Numbers can also contain 13 digits or 10 digits for classic or antique vehicles manufactured before 1981. I have several numbers from the engines, straight 6's, but have not been able to determine which are correct for identification. PROCESSING TAKES 4-6 WEEKS FROM DATE OF ORDER. F- Model year. Truck Model: Engine Used: Engine Model: Crankcase Cap. Serial numbers and picture - STUDEBAKER TRUCK TALK V-1001 : 63V - Hawk. Vehicle Engine The C2 means it's a standard cab. As Mr. Quinn points out, you have a sequential serial number on your door post and nothing more. STUDEBAKER M SERIES TRUCKS: SERIAL NUMBERS AND PRODUCTION QUANTITIES : . Production Information: 2-dr. Sedan: DEALERS VIN DECODER FREE SERVICES VIN Check by States Flood Check Free Odometer Check License Plate Lookup ENGLISH ESPAOL FRANAIS POLSKI . vin number help - Studebaker Drivers Club Forum Studebaker distinctions for '49. Free VIN check for 1953 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER 8349230 1962-63 Studebaker vehicle identification number (vin) decoder. Studebaker Truck Fenders E5: own: 1E: 5: 10 1/2: E6: own: 4E: 6: . Serial numbers and build dates for 2R, 3R, E, and 2E trucks 1948-1956(from parts catalog) Serial numbers for 2R trucks(from factory data and service letters) Paint codes for all 1947-54 Studebaker trucks (M and R series) Paint codes for 1960-64 Champ (T-cab) trucks Paint codes and color chips for 1964-65 cars HOME Studebaker Reference Guide - 1950 - Black Sunlight Rseries of Studebaker trucks built from the 1949 model year to the 1954 model year 5code for a 1/2 ton chassis (maximum weight of 4600 lbs.for truck and load) equipped with a 170 cubic inch flathead, side valve, 6 cylinder Studebaker built engine 12..indicates the wheelbase of the truck in inches, 112 inches for this vehicle. numbers. Model M5 engine serial numbers had an 1M prefix; M15 engine numbers began with 2M; and M16 and M17 engine numbers started with 3M. 5- The car was built in Kansas City Missouri. For Sale. 15. Follow Us Vin Decode - STUDEBAKER TRUCK TALK - tapatalk.com CMV VIN DECODER; VIN DECODER; Wheel Alignment; Service Advisor; Vintage Car Connection; Diesel Force; Tips & Advice. Decoding Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN)Studebaker Garage A Studebaker Reference Guide 1963 1963 Avanti. A-CD-KL-Z Lada Car Lambretta Land Rover Lincoln/Mercury 1960-69 Lotus Mazda Mazda Miata Mercedes-Benz Mercury Comet 1968-1971 Mercury Comet 1969 -1971 Mercury Merkur XR4 4R. Serial Number (vin) - Studebaker, Erskine & Rockne - Antique Automobile in. The serial number from the firewall of the seciond vehicle is 25942. General Engine Specifications: Jeri: 206-533-9600. Wanted pictures of body plates. The VIN number which is also known as the chassis number or serial number of the vehicle is a 17-character alphanumeric code. Studebaker Reference Guide - 1963 - Black Sunlight Chassis-cowl units were designated as cab model A1, and standard (full) cabs were model C2. IF that plate's gone, you're outta luck. Hours Monday-Saturday 10am-5pm EST Sunday 12pm-5pm EST . Thinner fiberglass front fenders for C Cab truck. 1- 1963 late production, Avanti dropped the year designation from the VIN. The rest of the numbers would indicate the year, but they were pretty much unchanged year to year. . x 8 in. Studebaker Production Orders - Studebaker Museum Store Serial Number Plate Location: On seat riser, left side Engine Number Location: 6 cyl - At the top left side front corner of the cylinder block. 8 cyl . 4 Door Sedan. Serial number tags - STUDEBAKER TRUCK TALK They all were this number from 1949-1953; and Cab number - No attempt was made to match cab number with production serial numbers. Studebaker car and truck reference data - STUDEGARAGE.COM A- Calendar month built was January. Drager's International. 6 cyl engine identification - STUDEBAKER TRUCK TALK The following is a list of web sites that can help you in deciphering the Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN) of a variety of car makes and models. (R-1234) Studebaker Reference Guide - 2R Series Trucks - Black SunlightVIN decode - Studebaker Drivers Club Forum Studebaker Champion commute directions_car 1st Gen (1939 to 1941) - . AvantiBuildSheets.